Other Openings


Isotope effects



We are welcoming enthusiastic students to join our group! A few examples for projects can be found below.

Applications to join our group are always welcome! We support outstanding and enthusiastic PhD and postdoctoral candidates to apply for external funding (e.g. Marie Curie, Rubicon, EMBO, HFSP etc.).

We offer a stimulating research environment within the Computational Chemistry group at the van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences and the University of Amsterdam.

All our research projects are focused on multiscale simulations of biomolecular systems. We collaborate with experimental groups (both academic and industrial) within the Netherlands and abroad. We focus on model and method development (coarse graining) as well on applications of existing approaches.

We design of peptides to modulate protein activity, investigate mechanisms of protein folding and develop coarse-grained models to study protein aggregation and cellular uptake of nanoparticles. Applicants should hold a MSc degree or PhD degree in physics, chemistry, biophysics biochemistry or chemical engineering. Programming skills and a familiarity with the Linux operating system are required. Individuals interested in applying for a PhD or postdoc position should submit a letter of motivation (stating also the possible funding they want to access), CV (including a list of publications) and the names of three references to Dr. Ioana M. ILIE as a single PDF document.